Friday 26 March 2010

The Pope hides kiddie fiddling

Well I haven't been around much the last year so missed out on ranting about the various Government crisis/Bank melt down/Government expense scandals etc.

But thought I would start off with a good one to get everyone agitated and thinking about stuff again.

The church. What does it stand for? Well its obvious it doesn't stand for morals and justice and protection of the young and innocent.

How so, you say? Whats our ranting nutter on about this time, you ask?

Well its come to light there is yet another sex scandal in the Catholic church.
Yep we had the Irish church fiasco a while back where the old fathers went off to happy retirement after all the child sex abuse and paedophilia. Well I say happy retirement, but I hope they burn in hell for what they did.
They were eventually found out and made to take the consequences (well the church was) as a lot of the perverted old duffers were long dead.

They cant suppress this sort of thing coming to light again, and it has done so with a vengeance with consequences that will affect the Pope this time.

Seems "His Holiness" and I say this very tongue in cheek here, led an investigation of an American priest involved in sexual acts with his congregation. He was only a Cardinal at the time, but appears that the whole thing was hushed up and glossed over like they always do.

Now "if the Meek are to inherit the earth" right, surely they need someone strong and just and righteous to protect them and help them along? Surely these meek people cant be calling on the Church then, as they want to hide all this stuff?

So much hypocrisy and so little time to write about it.
The Catholic church has shown less than a liberal attitude to homosexuality, but seems to want to hide abusing choir boys. This is Paedophilia which means the child has not reached a sexual age of maturity!

This seems okay in the churches eye, as they want to cover it up then? Retire the priest off and hush it all up. "Lets not tar ourself with his brush"; "it will affect the congregation and they will stop putting their cash on the plate"; "bad for business" etc etc

Guess they don't believe in right and wrong anymore. Protect the weak and the innocent is fine unless it reflects badly on us, then cover it up.

Bloody hell, the Church seems to be taking a leaf out of the UK Government these days! Or is it the Government taking a leaf out of the Church?

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