Thursday 22 May 2008

Police pay rise derogatory.

Well the police had a conference and as always acted with the utmost dignity.
They had, in my opinion, Carte Blanche to wipe the floor with Jacqui Smith the home secretary.

Some of the comments were about Ms Smith who in the past has smoked splifs - "they would Direct the Drug Squad at her, but as she is reneging on the full pay rise, perhaps it would be more beneficial if the Fraud Squad would be more interested". I laughed.
She did grant some concessions on death in service and some pension sweeteners.
And she almost got away with it.


To quote the leader of the Police Federation, Ms Berry " you cant find 30 million to pay the police its pay rises, but you managed to find or borrow 20 billion to fix the 10p tax cut debacle"

She could really have weighed in with the Northern Rock bank fiasco and how the government is propping up banks to the tune of 30+ billion too.

We would be up "shit creak with out a paddle" if the Police go on strike.

There aren't enough police on the beat in my opinion anyway, and they, like nurses and teachers deserve beter pay.

Museum Modesty

Something caught my eye in the papers today.
Manchester Museum has a world renown Egyptology department and has been displaying its mummies both wrapped and unwrapped to the public for the last 125 years or so.

Now some bright spark (I am being sarcastic here . . .) has decided it offends the public to display the bodies naked. What's the bloody point of putting a shroud over the top of the mummy that I want to see?

I can put a table clothe on my table at home and imagine it's a mummy underneath in it's sarcophagus, with out actually waisting all that time going to the exhibit - if I was that way inclined, but I like going out to see this sort of stuff. This is the point.

Now I am pretty sure most reasonable people that go into a museum to the Egyptology department have no qualms about seeing dead naked bodies.
Surely the complaints have to come from some sort of religious nutters who's minuscule view must far out way the interests of the multitude, yet again.

Manchester Museum, you lost your hard won and respected reputation because of one ludicrous act on your part. For a bunch of really clever people, you have absolutely no common sense.

Egypt, a predominantly Muslim culture, have been making loads of cash from exhibiting the bodies for years. If it's okay for them to do it and take the cash - and Muslims of the world are the most fickle of people and so easily offended by everything - it's got to be okay for you to do it too, Manchester Museum.

Take the bloody covers off! If people are offended, they have the choice to leave if they want too.
Stop spoiling things for the multitude.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

The McGuckin family - Talk about irresponsible

Good god what made me angry enough to publish twice in a day?

Well it is yet another British family going abroad and making idiots out of the rest of us.
Thanks a bunch.

Turn up at your hotel late at night to check in, drunk as skunks, and let the kids run all over the place because you pass out.
Where did they go? Portugal. Yet again the Portuguese must think the British are a bunch of irresponsible idiots out to cause trouble.

Well McGuckins, I assume you have heard about the Mccanns?
Well, I believe they left their kids open to be abducted, through shear stupidity!
You were lucky that some responsible hotel staff called you an ambulance, and the police to sort out the kids for you. It was probably due to the kids running around making a noise that the other guests complained.

How can you be so drunk as to pass out when you have children with you? You are in a foreign country where its unlikely you can speak more then a few words of Portuguese. Why did you put yourself in such a vulnerable position? It was food poisoning you say.
Beer say the hotel staff.

I really would like to believe that, as you may end up in front of a judge who could have your children temporarily taken away.

There may be more than meets the eye with this rant, which I will happily retract if it turns out that way. All I know is I want to go on holiday where the British 18-30 brigade rarely go, as I haven't been inspired with our recent actions abroad.

The Mccann Family 1 Year on . . .

Right I have had it up to here with all this bloody sympathy for the Mccanns.
I agree that if your child is abducted, then it is a terrible tragedy.
But have we forgotten the circumstances of the child's "abduction"?

The parents with their tapas and port swilling friends, all left their children in their hotel rooms unsupervised for hours at a time. Great, I feel lots of compassion for the father going to check on the kids - NOT!

It is your responsibility as an adult that if you brought children into the world, you bloody look after them. You are going to have to make the sacrifice of NOT going out if there is no babysitter, not plonk them into a locked apartment because you fancy a nice quiet sit down nosh up, with your mates with out the kids.

You have reaped what you've sown, in my book.
Looking all remorse for the papers doesn't cut any ice with me. This situation was preventable and you didn't prevent it.

Did the people who gave you the money for your campaign to find your child feel guilty? Have they been in the same boat, but got away with it?

"Everyone prey like mad" you say to the press.

Well here is my prayer.
I prey that the idiots of the world like you, miraculously get some brains, or just become infertile so they never have children to be treated in such away as this.