Monday 24 November 2008

VAT Cuts

Gordon Brown has decided to drop VAT to 15%.
He wants you to spend your money to help get his badly situated economy out of the mire.
How? Haven't we all borrowed to excess in the last decade and run up enough debt?
2.5% Vat cut. Big deal. Food, children's clothes, books, newspapers etc are mostly exempt or zero rated. You will only save a little on the Fuel bills you pay. Now has anyone noticed the catch? Unless you spend a vast amount, ie you have money to spare, you will benefit, but if you have little money to spare, your Xmas presents will cost a little less, but will you be tempted to spend?
The aim is to stimulate the economy just enough to keep us all employed and paying tax.
Well it's Tax what will go up when he decides to up the VAT again and then repay the GBP12 billion he would have to borrow extra, to pay for the initial VAT drop.
Gordon then gets a double whammy of tax. Your Income tax will have risen and the VAT is up to boot.

Well it seems the plebeian majority are finally listening to their conscience.
They now seem worried the economy may actually already be up "Canal De Merde" and don't want to get their hands dirty on the smelly end of the paddle. They are starting to save their money. Sorry Gordon. Not quite what you envisaged.

As the numpty Mr Darling has already borrowed GBP 70+Billion to prop up the banks and the salaries of the incompetents,spin doctors and the muppets of the Department of Stupidity and Red Tape, I can only envisage a massive rise in income tax. Next year he intends to borrow a further GBP110 Billion. He will do this by issuing Government Bonds and Securities and pay interest to the people who take up these issues. It will mean that he will be taxing you to pay for the interest payments to the pay back to the Bond holders, or he will forever be issuing new bonds to cover the old.

What a prudent Chancellor should have done Gordon, would be to save some funds. Put it away for a rainy day. But he didn't. Well the rainy day is the global recession brought about due to Sub Prime greedy bankers, who lost the plot and forgot that some people just cant afford houses.
Now they have no interest from the mortgagees to pay on to the bond holders of the bonds the bankers issued, to get more money to lend to more poor people to buy more houses.
It's a vicious circle.

The Bankers forgot what would happen if people couldn't repay the initial interest. People/Pension Plans/Other Banks pull out of the bond, eventually causing panic and creating a run on the banks. That's why the governments of Europe and the USA are guaranteeing banks now, as they cant afford to have a recession like the 1930's.

The UK Government are so desperate that interest rates could soon be cut to zero. Then there will be competition to sell goods as shop keepers try to tempt custom just to stay afloat. People will always hold off for a better price, and this creates negative inflation ie things get progressively cheaper, in the fight for custom. This will mean that the global economy actually will be like it was in the 1930's, the thing they are trying to avoid.

The UK isn't in the best position to prevent this. It's Government has borrowed way to much in the past. It is suffering from already low interest rates. It has said it will increase it's big projects to stimulate jobs, and will spend its way out of the recession. Well it's hands are tied as the normal tools to cut a recession are to cut interest rates, and borrow to spend on economic projects. As I say, it has to issue Government bonds to pay for this. It has technically borrowed so much, and has had to prop up the banks it cant let fail, I cant see who the hell can afford to buy these bonds. The interest rates on these bonds will probably be better than you or I can get for our cash sitting in our current and deposit accounts in our banks.

If it was yours or my company that was doing the same, we would already be bankrupt and living in a cardboard box under Blackfriars Bridge.

Somewhere along the line someone will realise that you cant spend what you haven't got.
We will then be stuffed with increasing interest rates to prevent spending, and higher taxes to balance the books and then it will all come around again in another 30 odd years.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Knife Crime.

When I was a lad a penknife was used to cut names in trees, peel and core apples, or to sharpen pencils. Yep that's right we used it as a tool. It didn't even enter our heads to walk up to someone, pick a fight and stab them with it.

It seems this day and age a penknife carrier is a criminal. But surely it's the man or woman behind the knife and how he uses it that makes the criminal?

There have been 20+ knife stabbing/killing crimes in the last few months.
So I say this. All the politicians on the TV who try to show the stabber the damage done to the stabbed in hospital, it's a bloody joke, pardon the pun.
A victim is never going to want to see them! They may want to take some revenge too, so who ever thought, I know, lets bring them together again, is plain stupid.

Now I bash the Americans and their stupidity quite a lot, as they seem to do stuff that only suits themselves. But the mayor of New York which at the time was quite a nasty area, brought about a zero tolerance plan. Three strikes and you get locked up for ever. That was just for minor petty crime! You get life and sometimes death for the bigger crimes.

So to the idiots Hazel Blears the one time Secretary of State for Communities and now Deputy Leader of Labour, and Jacquie Smith the Home Secretary come on TV stating there is a knife problem and it isn't easily fixed. COMPLETE CRAP!

They both "don't want to walk the streets at night because they feel unsafe", yet they have a police escort and bodyguard. So if they don't want to walk about with guards as protection, is it any wonder youths carry weapons to protect themselves?

Whats the solution? Zero tolerance. Carry a weapon with intent, and I mean here if you belong to a known gang culture, you get 5 years minimum prison sentence. Lets not pussy foot around.
If you are walking home at night and you have a knife on you and you aren't camping, that also means to me you intend to use it as protection or for force and you also get the sentence.

Killers whether using guns or knives should be hung.
There is an exception here. Sexual abuse and prolonged bullying in marriage or relationships where you snap and kill does not fall under this category.
Where there is unequivocal evidence and eyewitnesses, then hanging must take place to be a deterrent.

Victims have lost their rights in favour of the criminal.
So Blears and Smith, it is easy. Stop bullshitting the journalists and trying to become little media Divas. Amend the legal statutes for quick convictions when there is overwelming evidence. Lock people up for longer. Bring back Hanging. Set up a Zero Tolerance policy and stick to it.

GET SOME DECENT JUDGES THAT ARE IN TOUCH WITH THE EVERYDAY PEOPLE - NOT FROM CLOUD CUCKOOLAND - as an example, why lock up a shop lifter for two years, when you can kill a family while being on your mobile, whilst driving a car, and yet get a smaller sentance? Sentances dont seem at all comparable for the crimes caused. For one, say you took a pair of socks. The other is blatant negligence when in charge of what can be a lethal weapon in a poor drivers hands.

You may even want to use the dreaded common sense approach, which we seemed to be losing in this day and age.

I say a victim has the rights and the criminal loses theirs! If a criminal breaks into my home or vandalises my property, I should be allowed to defend it and myself with as much force as I deem fit to use, because the criminal should not be there in the first place! If I stab him, I am with in my rights to, only because he was doing something he shouldn't be doing.

Of course any out of normal hours calling at a house, with reputable people, they will knock at the door, and, or telephone you. So don't attack the postman just for giving you your gas bill. . .

Thursday 5 June 2008

Joke - What is a tragedy?

While President G.W. Bush was visiting a primary school he visited one of the classes.
They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.
The teacher asked the President if he would like to lead the discussion on the word 'tragedy'.
So the illustrious leader asked the class for an example of a 'tragedy'.

One little boy stood up and offered: 'If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a tragedy'.

'No,' said Bush, 'that would be an accident.'

A little girl raised her hand: 'If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.'

'I'm afraid not,' explained the President. 'That's what we would call a great loss.'

The room went silent. No other children volunteered.

Bush searched the room. 'Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?'

Finally at the back of the room a small boy raised his hand.

In a quiet voice he said: 'If Air Force One carrying you and Mrs Bush was struck by a friendly fire missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy.'

'Fantastic!' exclaimed Bush. 'That's right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?'

'Well,' said the boy, 'It has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be a f*cking accident either.'

Here is my two pennies on this joke -

It's Absolutely true I am afraid.
He was probably the clever English Exchange Student who's tank commander father was shot at by friendly U.S fire in the first gulf war!

Have I told you how much I abhor G.W Bush and what he stands for? Probably, but here is some more if you weren't paying attention.

Now we get a pussy like Obama or a forces nutter like McCain who will carry on imposing the American Foreign Policy on us.
Yep, they do have one, subject to the rest of the worlds belief - to shoot and bomb anyone who doesn't like the USA - so that would be anyone who isn't a middle class American then!

We had better watch out in the UK then, as it's only Tony and Cherie Blair, "Bush's Poodles" that do like them. The trouble is the Blair's aren't quite finished milking the UK for more money before they fuc~ off to U.S shores.

It seems they have 27? houses now and a US led mortgage crisis created by greedy bankers to deal with!

We probably have another years worth of Cherie's mindless 2nd autobiography, and many more of his crappy after dinner speeches at £100,000.00 per speech before they piss off to the Cult of America.

Yep it seems to be a cult.
They seem to brainwash and bamboozle the world.
I am sure if I came out and blatantly set up a cult, it would be illegal. The good ol' U.S. of A have a whole country of idiots, of whom 70% don't have a passport to see the world outside it's own borders, and where 70 % live within 10 miles of where they were born and grew up.

Illegal immigrants from Mexico, and the like, still want to live there - utterly amazing!

Monday 2 June 2008

Is it right to shop your family for criminal behaviour?

Well yesterday the mother of two sons who badly beat a man in the street, met their victim.
Anyone think this is unusual? Yes it is. The woman met and apologised to him for their behaviour.

This lady is Carol Saldinack, the victim is Marc Parkinson. Mr Parkinson now has a damaged eye and is lucky to be alive.

The thing that makes this unusual it that Mrs Saldinack turned in her two sons to the police for their appalling action. She found out when the boys told their sister ad she found out. The consequences were now she is isolated from her family who cant believe she would do this.
The good thing is the rest of us hard working and law abiding people have stood up in support of her actions.

She has tried to bring her family up the right way, but and unfortunately failed to instill in the rest of them a sense of right and wrong. Good for her for having a moral backbone and the strength of character to do this. I think she is better off with out her family if they deem it fit and proper to stick together with the perpetrators rather than support the victim. This culture we live in today seems only to stick up for them and not victims. This has got to stop.

You wonder why kids carry knives in the street? It's to defend themselves, but once you have knife pulled on you, you have to try to kill the opponent because they will try to kill you.
That's why there are so many stabbings.

Again I harp on about liberalism. It's time we stood up and said stop being liberal!
Crack down on crime and unsocial behaviour with an iron fist. Up the sentencing and bring back
hanging as an ultimate deterrent, and use it for crimes such as murder. The USA had a three strikes and prison for life policy. Perhaps we need something as harsh to bring some law and order to the streets.

No more drinking on the tube. . .

Can someone tell me why there was a massive party on the tube this weekend to celebrate the alcohol ban? The ban is used as an excuse, that's all.

I can think of nothing worse than sitting on the tube with hundreds of revelers binge drinking and creating havoc. Needless to say most tubes I use don't have the toilet facilities to cope.
There is the damage to stations and the tubes, and the excess police presence required to make sure it went off with out trouble - but still the idiot element was out in force.

Now I know there is always a minority who spoil it for the magnitude, but seeing the scenes in the paper this morning, it was totally irresponsible of the London council and the Mayor's office to let this go ahead.

Drinking on the train does lead to intimidation of the many people who just want a quiet journey home. I for one am glad it is now outlawed on the tube.

Thursday 22 May 2008

Police pay rise derogatory.

Well the police had a conference and as always acted with the utmost dignity.
They had, in my opinion, Carte Blanche to wipe the floor with Jacqui Smith the home secretary.

Some of the comments were about Ms Smith who in the past has smoked splifs - "they would Direct the Drug Squad at her, but as she is reneging on the full pay rise, perhaps it would be more beneficial if the Fraud Squad would be more interested". I laughed.
She did grant some concessions on death in service and some pension sweeteners.
And she almost got away with it.


To quote the leader of the Police Federation, Ms Berry " you cant find 30 million to pay the police its pay rises, but you managed to find or borrow 20 billion to fix the 10p tax cut debacle"

She could really have weighed in with the Northern Rock bank fiasco and how the government is propping up banks to the tune of 30+ billion too.

We would be up "shit creak with out a paddle" if the Police go on strike.

There aren't enough police on the beat in my opinion anyway, and they, like nurses and teachers deserve beter pay.

Museum Modesty

Something caught my eye in the papers today.
Manchester Museum has a world renown Egyptology department and has been displaying its mummies both wrapped and unwrapped to the public for the last 125 years or so.

Now some bright spark (I am being sarcastic here . . .) has decided it offends the public to display the bodies naked. What's the bloody point of putting a shroud over the top of the mummy that I want to see?

I can put a table clothe on my table at home and imagine it's a mummy underneath in it's sarcophagus, with out actually waisting all that time going to the exhibit - if I was that way inclined, but I like going out to see this sort of stuff. This is the point.

Now I am pretty sure most reasonable people that go into a museum to the Egyptology department have no qualms about seeing dead naked bodies.
Surely the complaints have to come from some sort of religious nutters who's minuscule view must far out way the interests of the multitude, yet again.

Manchester Museum, you lost your hard won and respected reputation because of one ludicrous act on your part. For a bunch of really clever people, you have absolutely no common sense.

Egypt, a predominantly Muslim culture, have been making loads of cash from exhibiting the bodies for years. If it's okay for them to do it and take the cash - and Muslims of the world are the most fickle of people and so easily offended by everything - it's got to be okay for you to do it too, Manchester Museum.

Take the bloody covers off! If people are offended, they have the choice to leave if they want too.
Stop spoiling things for the multitude.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

The McGuckin family - Talk about irresponsible

Good god what made me angry enough to publish twice in a day?

Well it is yet another British family going abroad and making idiots out of the rest of us.
Thanks a bunch.

Turn up at your hotel late at night to check in, drunk as skunks, and let the kids run all over the place because you pass out.
Where did they go? Portugal. Yet again the Portuguese must think the British are a bunch of irresponsible idiots out to cause trouble.

Well McGuckins, I assume you have heard about the Mccanns?
Well, I believe they left their kids open to be abducted, through shear stupidity!
You were lucky that some responsible hotel staff called you an ambulance, and the police to sort out the kids for you. It was probably due to the kids running around making a noise that the other guests complained.

How can you be so drunk as to pass out when you have children with you? You are in a foreign country where its unlikely you can speak more then a few words of Portuguese. Why did you put yourself in such a vulnerable position? It was food poisoning you say.
Beer say the hotel staff.

I really would like to believe that, as you may end up in front of a judge who could have your children temporarily taken away.

There may be more than meets the eye with this rant, which I will happily retract if it turns out that way. All I know is I want to go on holiday where the British 18-30 brigade rarely go, as I haven't been inspired with our recent actions abroad.

The Mccann Family 1 Year on . . .

Right I have had it up to here with all this bloody sympathy for the Mccanns.
I agree that if your child is abducted, then it is a terrible tragedy.
But have we forgotten the circumstances of the child's "abduction"?

The parents with their tapas and port swilling friends, all left their children in their hotel rooms unsupervised for hours at a time. Great, I feel lots of compassion for the father going to check on the kids - NOT!

It is your responsibility as an adult that if you brought children into the world, you bloody look after them. You are going to have to make the sacrifice of NOT going out if there is no babysitter, not plonk them into a locked apartment because you fancy a nice quiet sit down nosh up, with your mates with out the kids.

You have reaped what you've sown, in my book.
Looking all remorse for the papers doesn't cut any ice with me. This situation was preventable and you didn't prevent it.

Did the people who gave you the money for your campaign to find your child feel guilty? Have they been in the same boat, but got away with it?

"Everyone prey like mad" you say to the press.

Well here is my prayer.
I prey that the idiots of the world like you, miraculously get some brains, or just become infertile so they never have children to be treated in such away as this.

Tuesday 1 April 2008


As you can probably tell from previous rants at the world, I live in the United Kingdom.
You ride to work thinking happy thoughts, but then you see the budget list in the papers and the taxation we pay, and how we waste it.

Yep, Mr Brown that staunch Labourite conservative has done it again.
He has decided to punish the middle ground people yet again with homes and mortgages, and children and who pay their taxes.
Hey we aren't all millionaires in the UK. We need to be though, just to pay the duty on Beer and Petrol.

Lets look at some facts. The lower income families used to pay a lower tax rate of 10%.
This was to help them rise out of an ever increasing poverty trap due to increasing inflation pushing bills higher than their earnings.
Now its been abolished and they must pay a straight 20% thus they pay more tax.
Now Mr Brown and his puppet Mr Darling have decided not to close the loop hole where the super rich investment banker types of the country only pay 10% on all their income.
Yes it is a lower % than their cleaners pay! Farce coming to mind yet?

Surely this smacks of hypocrisy.
The Labour party aim was from when it was founded, to protect the rights of the lower classes and go at the rich to even things out a bit.
Well you aren't doing that anymore.
The lower to middle classes are stuck between the two.
We are lower to middle class because we have pride to get up and get a job to support our families.


Why do we pay tax? We pay the tax because it is supposed to benefit man kind ie schools, hospitals, roads, libraries, used to promote protection ie the armed forces and police force, and to provide a little assistance for the deserving who paid in and need help to get back on their feet again ie benefits and assistance for when we are between jobs and can't find work.

The tax was never intended for the log term abuse it suffers from now.
And it is NOT to be used for some idiot politician to install a new kitchen and bathroom in their subsidised second houses, which they can have paid through our tax!

Then we learn that Mr Brown has decided to borrow even more money to spend his way out of the impending recession we are falling into.

Well how about cutting all credit right back?
Cutting all the red tape you installed in the first place?
Stop the waste invading Afghanistan, and especially Iraq which to my mind, and the rest of the world, was illegally entered into by that idiot G.W Bush and his little lap dog Mr Blair.
Start taxing the super rich. If this country is so great, which it was before Labour was elected, the rich will stay here.
Making the rich pay 20 & 40% like the rest of us is only fair.
And don't even think about borrowing more cash from the world markets on behalf of HM Government.

It will be us in the middle that will be taxed even harder to pay it back!

Monday 31 March 2008

Mobile users on stairways,escalators and in doorways.

I haven't had a rant for a while, so let me rip into you for this:-

Over the last few days, getting on and off the train and walking to and from the office, yet again I notice the all to common ignorance of people.

How many times have you walked up or down a flight of stairs, and had to wait because some ignorant idiot has decided to stop right at the top/bottom of the stairway to get their fags out and spark up? Or more commonly, and it's my gripe of the day, rummage for a mobile phone they previously had to their ear just a second before?

Bloody hundreds I bet.

These people can call their mates in the office, like I do.
Why rack up a large bill on my phone?
Bloody mobiles are deemed for emergencies in my house hold, to be used sparingly if shite does hit the fan.
You are only frying your brain using a mobile, but of course there is no real medical evidence yet. It's all conjecture.
Well I hope the brains fry quicker, as there will be less people in front of me blocking my way.

Society, if you can call it that these days, seems full of scumbags destined to annoy their fellow man.
You say "excuse me you are blocking the way", and you get told to "go forth and multiply" .
I'll translate that into the language of the youth of today - "fuck off"!
You breathe a sigh of relief, and are lucky if that's the case.


I have decided that it may be a little unfortunate, but entirely necessary for the person in front of me to take a "little" shoulder barge to get out of the way.
If I don't, it is only me that gets it from the bastards behind me.

So you see it's a dog eat dog world. I am going to start playing like the rest of you.

You had also better start liking the shoulder barges, too. It seems the only way to get you to understand.

As a fire warden for my company, I know it takes about a minute from the fire to take a good hold, before it fills a room up with smoke killing you from all the toxic fumes. It really cheeses me off when some little snot of a youth, or dumb dolly-bird decides to block an exit or a doorway.
If you don't move from being shoulder barged, I sure as hell aren't going to help if there is a fire.

My good nature is almost used up. I am at the stage where I wouldn't even piss on you, if you were on fire.

Wednesday 5 March 2008

The yoof of today! (Yes I meant to spell it this way!)

Well its been on the news today that thousands of teachers are training, but find life to stressful in the classrooms they bugger off to do other things. I have to agree, I would be one to follow their example.

Well lets look at the situation. Compared to city workers, teachers pay wont buy the newly qualified a matchbox to live in, but more importantly, to my reckoning, a teacher has to put up with the highly hostile atmosphere in some schools. I have to admit I am mainly thinking of the secondary school - whose hooligans feel the urge to drink alcopops, vandalise things and stab people for fun, whilst spending their times at the local bus shelter of an evening because there is nothing to do!

Why are the little bastards out so late drinking alcohol anyway? Isn't there such a thing as homework to do? Books to read? You parents to keep them on the straight and narrow? And where the hell do they get the money to buy the booze in the first place? Well they are obviously stealing it from your drinks cabinet!

So lets look back at why this has come about. Teachers, policemen and women, in fact lets say anyone in an official capacity, gets no respect anymore. That includes you as a parent. The kids are growing up to fast. Their tiny minds don't grow into their thuggish and loutish bodies till much later. They think they can go and impregnate each other, drink to excess and basically do what the hell they like because some one calls them adolescents."So there are no consequences right, know what I mean?".

Well they are still children!
Adults have a little more sense, because we have to get jobs to provide a means to live. We have to pay the taxes which is used to educate the buggers and to pay for someone to repair the damage and clean up the vomit!

I blame Liberalism and you as parents.

We have dumbed down society! We treat everyone as equals when they obviously aren't. Why do you let your children have the freedom that you yourself don't really get. Why let them run wild to all hours. I guess you obviously don't care. That seems to be the way of society these days!

"I cant control someone so I don't bother". Well if you had the kid in the first place because you were on the alcopops and sod the consequences, you have created an exact replica of yourself. Do you feel proud to have increased the number of scumbags in the world?

Every action has an equal reaction - bit of science there for you. It appears that doesn't really get taught either, these days.
You seem to think you don't have a duty of care to the child, or the neighbourhood. Well you do. When are we going to learn to stop being selfish? Children are little people, but you fob them off with game boys, and TV giving them a view of a life style which they feel is real. You need to spent time with them to discuss rights and wrongs and punish accordingly. For Christ sake, some of them cant even read and write when they leave school! That is embarrassing in this day and age. In fact I will go as far as to say the youth of today cant even string a couple of sentences together - "know what I mean". . . Well I do know what you mean so why the hell tell me after every sentence. Education is a way for us all to escape from where we were, to where we want to be. Be it to lose yourself in a novel for 20minutes, or to better ourselves because we have dreams of becoming the next prime minister, or a doctor or maybe even a teacher.

Now before we jump on the discipline band waggon, I am not saying beat them black and blue like the teachers did in the 50's, but discipline was better then. People were more respectful of each other. Well it is coming to pass now. You are now reaping what you've sown, and it was probably sown on a cold drunk night in my local bus shelter!
The UK now has a gang culture and a weapons culture. The good people cant walk around with out fear.

So sort your kids out. Remember these are the next generation that need to be nurtured, shown discipline and a firm hand. They will be in charge of your nursing homes, so you want them to be pleasant, and kind, or do you want them to tell you "Fu~k off and change your own bedpan, or I'll stab you. Know what I mean?"

Its all your choice!

Friday 29 February 2008

Prince Harry on the front line.

Well here is a little topic for debate. Should Harry go "once more into the breach dear friends", like his illustrious ancestor? Or should he be pulled out?

Well he is a trained soldier you say. Therefore its his job to go. Yes that is true. However where did the leak he was in Afghanistan come from?

It was published first in an Australian magazine, but no one cares about celebrity in Australia. Aussies like to live their own lives. It was picked up by our American friends who cant keep anything quiet and they ran with it.

The press in this instance are a bit like Tony and Gordon having a little whisper session between "two gentlemen", and two minutes after, both their spin doctors have leaked the gossip. In this instance though it was to make a bit of money with the scoop.

It is dangerous and foolhardy to publish any information about battlefields, and who is there and in what strength. My reckoning is, we give our foe to much information, because he can watch the T.V too.

Now it is the governments idea to show everybody how well we are doing to justify their original orders to invade a place. Its called spin.

But it is not the politician in the "rock and hard place" situation though. It's the people on the front line. Blair and Brown got to visit for less than a day, where as the soldiers have to be there for months at a time. But then Brown and Blair made sure the press didn't leak that, because it was there own arses on the line that time.

I have to stick my two pennies in here though. If Harry was on the front line for 10 weeks, why was there press around to follow his every move? If he was "just a soldier", and I am sorry if that's a little derogatory to soldiers, because I don't mean it to be (we are the best army in the world!) . Where was everyone else's press contingents? That's right. They don't have them.

Now we all know how good the British soldier is. We know how great they are with out having to say it. Well I will say it this time. Going to places they aren't liked to bring some stability to a region that wont thank them; to come home traumatised or in body bags because some jumped up politician isn't strong enough to say no, we shouldn't interfere. (I talk about Iraq here, by the way, not Afghanistan). They do it because they are proud of what their regiments stand for. They follow orders, and will die carrying those orders out.

Well Harry is no coward, he wanted to go. He is there now, and he is taking the risk like every other soldier out there. It has been his dream since he was a boy. But he should not have gone with the press!

He should have insisted he remain anonymous, for his own safety and to create less of a target. It would then have been a major coup for him and the army once his tour had finished to then tell the world.

Today after the Americans stupidly told the world, he is in greater danger, as is his men. What terrorist in their warped, bigoted, narrow minds wouldn't go out of their way to be the one to capture or kill the Queen's son. The top Brass should also have made sure the press wasn't hanging around. The Press wouldn't give a dam how it happened or why if he was hurt or killed. They would publish it for the scoop and more money.

Wednesday 27 February 2008

The Congestion Charge

What's your views on Red Ken's Congestion Charge ? Well here is mine.

The congestion charge is a bit of a piss take to rip off the motorist. The motorist already gets taxed enough in petrol/diesel charges. They have to pay road tax that never gets spent on improving the roads (not down my way anyway), and also have to put up with the poor motoring standards of the dreaded BMW driver.

I can see that it is a way to keep traffic off the streets. However the only solution is to cut train and tube fares and get the donut eaters off their backsides and learn to walk around again.

Get the tubes working better and cheaper. Some friends of mine went to New York over Christmas. The tubes ran on Christmas Day! We are becoming a 24 hour society in London and the bigger cities of the UK. Can anyone tell me why the tube shuts 12-12:30am. Well its supposed to aide cleaning and have track repairs. It doesn't impact our foreign brothers and sisters when their tubes are cleaned and repaired. They still run.

Providing a better and more frequent service must be the way forward. Have the kids walk to school - lets get the scumbags off the streets that will stop the kids walking to school. The innocent people shouldn't have to fear walking around their own neighbourhoods, getting raped, stabbed or molested by scumbags that shouldn't be on the streets anyway.

Can anyone tell me if this congestion charge really gets used to to do any of the above, because is is a shed load of cash collected here, and recently I haven't noticed a change in traffic. Now the last lot of statistics that were published say its reduced. What I know is that traffic speeds have definitely gotten slower. My way of thinking is that this is a result of more cars.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Children Are Innocent

I have just had a little surprise and have heard from my cousin. She is back at work after having little Lottie.

Well this got me thinking about children and how innocent and trusting they are.
So its a bit of a shock that last month in Jersey the councillor who brought up the allegations was shouted down by all the other councillors because they thought he was doing it for political gain.

Now excuse me, but I believe the people elected him. And I believe he was right to bring this subject up and I believe the others should have shut up and listened. I don't care about political gain - its their duty to protect and serve and to bring such issues to light.

Now I have finished the rant, we need to make sure that this sort of lark doesn't happen to vulnerable children again. We also need to make sure justice is served and to do the right thing by the dead children.

I am sorry. But if you have done the crime, and you are a 97 year old fart on your last legs, there can be no hiding behind old age and frailty. You should have your day in court and face the bloody consequence of your actions.

Car Engines/Global Warming

Well what's the views on Global Warming? Well here is mine.

Personally I think the environment goes in cycles, so a lot of this weather/global warming happens anyway. The scientists can prove this. There was the time the Thames froze in the 15&1600's - well it had a little help as arches on London Bridge were spaced so the water flow was impeded. But I digress. The cold spell still froze the Thames and we bear baited, which is the equivalent to MTV today I guess, and we cooked whole cows out in the middle of the river. Now in the late 90s and noughties, it's the turn to put on your shorts and catch some rays. Oh, by the way, one of my readers - and they are few and far between at the moment - pointed out to me that this cold snap lasted until the 1800's.

However, there are those of us out there that probably think man does have a bit of an impact too. It is industry and cars that are to blame here. So we have had the Kyoto agreement, that the biggest polluters didn't want to sign up to, to reduce emissions. So lets point a finger at the Yanks here. "I don't want to sign up, because it will cost the U.S jobs". Well Mr Bush, it could also have created some, in the fact you could corporately police the emissions. We all know that was just a crappy ploy not to cheese the voters off, so that you got elected again. Thank god for small mercies. You wont get a 3rd term. Lets face it, you aren't Franklin D. Roosevelt .

So that never really got off the ground. We can pollute the world, because we cant police industry. I would like to thank India, China and the Good Ol' U.S. of A for killing a planet and we all have an out break of asthma to look forward to.

As for the cars chucking out pollution. That should be a little easier. Now why hasn't anyone in the Department of Transport or what ever Mr Blair or Mr Brown may have deemed to call it now, come up with the solution?

Well it is freedom of choice on what cars we drive. And that's what our grandparents fought for. But there will always be the selfish idiots that live in the city that want to drive their 4*4 tanks on the school run to the bottom of their road, and others that can afford the Mercs and Astons although we have neither the space or the speed limits to test these gleaming hunks of car to the max. We don't want to drive the Ladas of the cold war 50's & 60's, and Henry Ford's "in any colour you like as long as its black!" - because we have this choice.

So what's the solution, you ask? Well here it is in a nut shell. Get the government to pass a law that states all engines must produce more than 35-40mpg. A economic Jag, Merc or Aston surely is better than an uneconomical 10 mpg car. If we have the technology to make them go faster than 150 mph, it must be there to make them more fuel efficient. Now by my reckoning, this cuts pollution too. Another gripe I have, but this one is fairly minor, is this. Why have a car that goes 150mph when the speed limit is only 70 - not that we adhere to the limits! The good thing is we will have less stupid genes in the gene pool when the idiots plough into trees and kill themselves. Bonus you say? I say its waste of a life for going to fast.

Cut the tube fares to a pound a day, The Oyster Card is great for the locals, but tubes rip off the tourists unless they have Oysters as well. It is £4 to go from Embankment to Charring Cross - if they didn't know it was 100 yards away, all well and good you say. But what if things were so cheap it would deter people from "not" paying. Any country world wide has a cheaper tube/train net work than us, and we invented the bloody things! My old economics teacher gave me the concept of demand and supply- if things are a glut and priced so cheap, people will want them (up to a point).

By the way if you wanted to go bio-diesel, there was a tax on the bio-fuel you could make in your garden out of used chip fat! Is that an incentive to switch, No. However I believe someone at HMS Government (god bless him for the common sense) has now adjusted it so that if you make it, but not in an oil production grand scale, you don't need to pay anything.

Man is the most destructive animal on the planet. A bit of consideration and thoughtfulness, a bit unselfishness, and for each and everyone of us to show a willingness to do a little bit, and we should be alright.

Emigration Farce

Yep, I have to raise the point. A woman brought to the UK when she was 3 wants to care for her sick and dying mother. She doesn't want a penny from benefits either. So the good people at government HQ are going to deport her.

If you have been raised here from 3 years and on, went to school here, lived most of your life here surely entitles you to stay?! The reason this falls flat is the stamp in the passport. She went home to the country of her birth the good ol' U.S.A for over 2 years invalidating the stamp. There is no way back in for her. Now the harsh people out there will say she should have applied for the UK passport before she left. And they would be right. But I think she has the qualities we need. Determination, willingness to learn and live in the UK. A caring nature which we seem to be losing.

Is it stupid or what. Lets let in murderers, rapists and mad mullah bombers who seem intent on destroying this liberal land, this England. Lets give them housing and support and the freedom to preach hatred, or ruin peoples lives in the country that has given them a chance. Yet once we've let them in, we don't throw the curs back to the wolves once they have defiled our rules. We call it injustice and unfair to "their" human right. It seems a victim doesn't have rights here anymore in the land of "Benefits and Alcopops".

Now excuse me. But this stupidity must stop. If a guest in your home makes offish advances or inappropriate behavior, you throw them out and revise your friendships accordingly. Well I hope you do.

The same cant be said with this story, and others like it. It seems in our fine liberalism, we have lost all of our common sense. We have made all the rules grey. There is no longer "black and white", "right or wrong" - no wonder nothing gets done. Lets all pussy foot around in the middle ground and not move left or right in case we make the move to upset anyone - heaven forbid.

Monday 25 February 2008

You need to check this site out. It tells how really liberal we are.
I haven't figured out how to link it directly yet, so you will have to cut and paste to the address bar.

Gorbals Mick and the like . . .

Can someone tell me where the Tory and the Labour politicians get off claiming housing subsidies on homes they own out right?

Does anyone think this is a piss take? Whats the average? I hear some of these clowns get £17,000 in relief. My council tax is about £2,000 for the year, and that's all I feel they should claim. By the way do they penalise themselves for owning two homes? If you or I have two homes we get nailed for it.

The homes should only be eligible for council tax reclamation and not for the bloody mortgages that they seem they have "unfortunately" forgotten they had finished paying for. For I can only envisage this being the reason they still claim these housing payments!

Now excuse me for being a home owner, I say this loosely with a sodding great mortgage. But surely if we good people of the UK ever get to the bottom of paying it all off - not only do we rid our self of the millstone around our necks - will remember the day like it was a birthday of anniversary, and probably have a party to celebrate it too.

If we don't say this is out of order, how many more are going to use it to line their pockets at our expense - because it's you and I that pay their wage and the exorbitant expense bills they claim!

What say you about it?

A Rant At The World

Hey guys and girls.
I would like to tell you what is in store for you on my new blog.
Ever felt the world was run by stupid people? Ran into some jobsworth?
Well this is a blog where I can vent my spleen back at them.
I am looking for a common sense approach to things.
We will be ranting about various topics.
Nothing is sacred - well as long as it's within the libel boundaries, anyway.
I don't want to have to give these scumbags my hard earned cash!