Tuesday 6 May 2008

The McGuckin family - Talk about irresponsible

Good god what made me angry enough to publish twice in a day?

Well it is yet another British family going abroad and making idiots out of the rest of us.
Thanks a bunch.

Turn up at your hotel late at night to check in, drunk as skunks, and let the kids run all over the place because you pass out.
Where did they go? Portugal. Yet again the Portuguese must think the British are a bunch of irresponsible idiots out to cause trouble.

Well McGuckins, I assume you have heard about the Mccanns?
Well, I believe they left their kids open to be abducted, through shear stupidity!
You were lucky that some responsible hotel staff called you an ambulance, and the police to sort out the kids for you. It was probably due to the kids running around making a noise that the other guests complained.

How can you be so drunk as to pass out when you have children with you? You are in a foreign country where its unlikely you can speak more then a few words of Portuguese. Why did you put yourself in such a vulnerable position? It was food poisoning you say.
Beer say the hotel staff.

I really would like to believe that, as you may end up in front of a judge who could have your children temporarily taken away.

There may be more than meets the eye with this rant, which I will happily retract if it turns out that way. All I know is I want to go on holiday where the British 18-30 brigade rarely go, as I haven't been inspired with our recent actions abroad.

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