Thursday 22 May 2008

Police pay rise derogatory.

Well the police had a conference and as always acted with the utmost dignity.
They had, in my opinion, Carte Blanche to wipe the floor with Jacqui Smith the home secretary.

Some of the comments were about Ms Smith who in the past has smoked splifs - "they would Direct the Drug Squad at her, but as she is reneging on the full pay rise, perhaps it would be more beneficial if the Fraud Squad would be more interested". I laughed.
She did grant some concessions on death in service and some pension sweeteners.
And she almost got away with it.


To quote the leader of the Police Federation, Ms Berry " you cant find 30 million to pay the police its pay rises, but you managed to find or borrow 20 billion to fix the 10p tax cut debacle"

She could really have weighed in with the Northern Rock bank fiasco and how the government is propping up banks to the tune of 30+ billion too.

We would be up "shit creak with out a paddle" if the Police go on strike.

There aren't enough police on the beat in my opinion anyway, and they, like nurses and teachers deserve beter pay.

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