Tuesday 26 February 2008

Children Are Innocent

I have just had a little surprise and have heard from my cousin. She is back at work after having little Lottie.

Well this got me thinking about children and how innocent and trusting they are.
So its a bit of a shock that last month in Jersey the councillor who brought up the allegations was shouted down by all the other councillors because they thought he was doing it for political gain.

Now excuse me, but I believe the people elected him. And I believe he was right to bring this subject up and I believe the others should have shut up and listened. I don't care about political gain - its their duty to protect and serve and to bring such issues to light.

Now I have finished the rant, we need to make sure that this sort of lark doesn't happen to vulnerable children again. We also need to make sure justice is served and to do the right thing by the dead children.

I am sorry. But if you have done the crime, and you are a 97 year old fart on your last legs, there can be no hiding behind old age and frailty. You should have your day in court and face the bloody consequence of your actions.

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