Monday 25 February 2008

Gorbals Mick and the like . . .

Can someone tell me where the Tory and the Labour politicians get off claiming housing subsidies on homes they own out right?

Does anyone think this is a piss take? Whats the average? I hear some of these clowns get £17,000 in relief. My council tax is about £2,000 for the year, and that's all I feel they should claim. By the way do they penalise themselves for owning two homes? If you or I have two homes we get nailed for it.

The homes should only be eligible for council tax reclamation and not for the bloody mortgages that they seem they have "unfortunately" forgotten they had finished paying for. For I can only envisage this being the reason they still claim these housing payments!

Now excuse me for being a home owner, I say this loosely with a sodding great mortgage. But surely if we good people of the UK ever get to the bottom of paying it all off - not only do we rid our self of the millstone around our necks - will remember the day like it was a birthday of anniversary, and probably have a party to celebrate it too.

If we don't say this is out of order, how many more are going to use it to line their pockets at our expense - because it's you and I that pay their wage and the exorbitant expense bills they claim!

What say you about it?

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